My Directv Guide won't List any shows!?!

Question: My Directv Guide won't List any shows!!?
I Have a Directv DVR and My onscreen Guide won't show any new shows past this Sunday! anyone else have this problem!? it started a week agoWww@Enter-QA@Com

The quickest fix is to turn off the box, holding the off button in for 10 seconds and then turning it back on!. This allows the whole thing to reboot!. If the problem is not solved then try turning everything off, unplugging the box for 10 seconds and then replugging it in!. this forces it to do a more complete reboot!. If you call them, those are th first things they will have you try any way!. May as well do all that before waiting on the phone for a live person!. LOL That usually fixes anything weird that has happened on my system!. They will also tell you you need to turn off the box each night to allow it to download new info, etc and I know from experience that if you do not turn it off each night, it will work funny after a while!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Why don't you just call them and ask them what the problem is!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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