What did you guys think of Sookie's reaction when she saw Bill in the last e!

Question: What did you guys think of Sookie's reaction when she saw Bill in the last episode of True Blood!?
sookie is a hoe ! lol i like bill ! and she treated him bad when he was just fighting 4 who he love!.!.!. sam is a dog literally !.!.!. but i was pissed she should of treated him a lil better he wasnt gone that long Www@Enter-QA@Com

She's an immature brat who cannot realize the devotion of Bill and what his defense of her has cost him!. She can't see beyond her little world of "you ignored me for a few days" and her reaction was that of a 15-year old!. She will regret it in the season finale next week, I'm sure!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I was really annoyed by Sookie!. Bill left for only 2 days, Sookie acted like he had been gone for 2 years!. He was trying anything and everything in his power to get to her and she just didn't care!. I don't understand how she can tell same a few episodes back that she can't go from kissing one man to the next, I don't get her!. I hope she realizes what Bill went through!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sookie is really annoying sometimes!. I like her but she acts so needy!. It is not like Bill had a choice!.!.!. I guess she does not want to face that he is a vampire that has different rules apply to him than her!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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