Is it just me, or is Survivor getting boring?!

Question: Is it just me, or is Survivor getting boring!?
Ok so I just finished watching this last episode and it was ridiculous! First off there is nobody that is a clear standout as far as me liking the contestants goes!. Not only that, but I hate seasons where one team always wins over the other one it's boring!. Oh, and I CAN"T STAND RANDY!!!!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yeah!.!.!.last night I was saying "Randy is such an asshole," the whole episode---he is just mean!
I love survivor and have watched it from the start!.!.!.
I have a few stand outs!.!.!.I like Sugar the best---she seems sweet and likable!.
I did like Kenny, but now he seems to be getting too cocky and I think that he will be kicked off soon!.!.!.because that is usually what happens!.
Crystal!.!.!.those are the three in that order that I would not mind to see winning the whole thing!---I usually go for the underdogs!
---I thought it was funny to watch Charley so excited to be in the jury with Marcus, lol!!! Www@Enter-QA@Com

it will be more interesting now that they merged, and my fave is Matty but I liked Marcus too and they already back doored him, hang in there if you are a true fan the love for the show will prevail over the disappointment!

Sugar Randy and Crystal and Kenny are useless and all need to be gone!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I hate to admit this b/c I've been a Survivor fan since the very first season but yeah it is getting a little much!. Randy is so obnoxious and I agree about hating when one tribe keeps winning over and over again!.

The other thing that bugs me is the constant blind-sides!. That got old on the Fan Vs!. Faves (specially when they took out Ozzy!.!.!.grrr!)

For me, the stand-outs are Sugar and Matty!. JMOWww@Enter-QA@Com

Randy is an A!.!.!.hole and I think Sugar should win!. Randy would be the person you want to take to elimination to win!. But I agree with you in the sense that I couldn't pick a favoriite team or favorite person right away!. For a while I was rooting for the losing team to win just cause I felt sorry for them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I can't wait to see this week's eppy b/c just imagine the fireworks that will explode when they all get back to camp, as crystal and randy despise each other, and corrine and sugar don't relate!.!.!.!.!.predicts that, unless they win immunity, the next to go in order- randy, corrine, then suzie (did she think she has a chance-- yeah, if she makes it to the end, but I think she'll be the sacrificial lamb bfore then)
I would love to see Bob or Matty get itWww@Enter-QA@Com

no, it's not getting boring because they always seem to come up with different teists to the game!. I liked Bob's creation of the "immunity Idol"!. Lot's better looking and more convincing that Ozzy's carved stick! Randy and Corrine have to go!.!.!.jerk and *****, in that order!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I just was thinking it was starting to get exciting! First that obnoxious Ace got voted out, then Marcus and now Charlie! I was so happy! Now hopefully next week it will be Randy because he is a dirty bastard!

P!.S!. I <3 Kenny!Www@Enter-QA@Com

yep, it is getting boring :(Www@Enter-QA@Com

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