Anyone here watch Oprah today? Is anyone sick to death of her and her liberal vi!

Question: Anyone here watch Oprah today!? Is anyone sick to death of her and her liberal views!?
I still like her shows!.!.!.!.!.and find 75% of them interesting!.

Maybe that's because I'm also a liberal and agree with most of her views!.

The best way to avoid her views and not to be sick to death is to stop watching her!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I don't think she'll care!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm tired of every liberal and conservative biting and clawing at each other just to make the other look like sh*t!. Out of all the people on television, you'd think that a woman like Oprah would be fair and look at this from both points of views, and not just Obama's!. I couldn't believe it when she went straight for Obama without (probably), even knowing his credentials or experience!. I bet the only reason she helped him was because he's black!. Now I could be completely wrong on that one, but you never know!. Which shouldn't be the thing that people focus on, but while I was walking into my high school, all the black kids were strutting down the halls yelling into paper towel rolls at people saying, "Obama, your new B L A CK president y'all"!. Which shows that we have bigger issues than we may have thought!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Oprah annoys me PERIODWww@Enter-QA@Com

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