Is anyone else devastated that David Tennant is quitting Doctor Who?!

Question: Is anyone else devastated that David Tennant is quitting Doctor Who!?
I am absolutely gutted that David Tennant is leaving Doctor who!. Does anyone have any idea who is going to take his place!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think all David`s fans will be upset!. He has been by far the best Doctor!. We can take consolation in knowing he will be doing the 4 specials plus this Christmas special and we can always watch the re-runs that they are always showing on "Watch TV"!. Personally i`m devasted and I don`t think I will be as keen to watch when he leaves although my family will be relieved as I get a cry of "oh no not Doctor Who again" and everyone knows better than to disturb me when i`m watching it!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I just saw him on the NTA's admitting that 2009 is his last year as Dr!. Who, and am going to be really sorry to see him go!. He has been a fantastic Dr!. and it is going to be difficult to get used to seeing someone else play him!. I guess that's a big part of why he's going, he is an experienced actor who doesn't want to forever play just the Dr!. but more challenging and varied roles!. I loved Chris Ecclestone when he played the Dr!. though and remember thinking then that "no one else will do," so David proved many people wrong and hopefully whoever takes it on next will be able to do the same!.
Now that the effects and art work etc can match the script and the drama, the ability subsequent Dr's to regenerate should mean that this current run will continue for many years to come!. For those of us who were able to see past the men in furry suits and baking foil etc in the original series, the next 10 years of so should prove well worth the expectations!.
'm going to miss David Tennant enormously but I wish him well and as long as the next one is well cast, I'm going to enjoy meeting a new Dr in the Tardis!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes! It is a complete tragedy! How will we cope!?

He's only doing four more specials, aired next year, and the new Doctor will take over in 2010!.!.!.

I am gutted!. It was hard enough handling Rose leaving!.!.!.

You can torture yourself here:

I am, absolutely!. This is what it was like when I first started watching Eccleston and then he bailed after ONE SERIES!. I was sooooo pissed!. Now that Tennant is leaving after only THREE SERIES', I'm pissed again!.

And what a bullsh*t excuse he gave, too!. He loves the show so much that he has to leave it!?!!? Laaaaaaaame!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

He's quitting!? News to me!. Is he definately staying for the 2010 series though!? I'm pretty sure he is as he has been quoted as referring to Steven Moffet as 'his new boss'!. Considering The Moff don't take over until that series then it sounds to me like we have David until at least 2010!hWww@Enter-QA@Com

I am gutted about David Tennant but that's the nature of Dr Who!. He changes!. Lets hope the next guy is as sexy and engaging as David!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, i hate doctor who!. But i heard somewhere that they will try to get Daniel Radcliffe to take over from himWww@Enter-QA@Com

I'm not happy! I love David Tennant so much! *sobs* xxWww@Enter-QA@Com

yes i amWww@Enter-QA@Com

I am devestated! I cried my eyes out and I am still cryingWww@Enter-QA@Com

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