What is the name the episode on Family Guy where Stewie is playing the tuba and !

Question: What is the name the episode on Family Guy where Stewie is playing the tuba and following a fat boy!?
"No Chris Left Behind"
Lois goes to a PTA meeting to complain!. Principal Shepherd explains that the school cannot afford new textbooks because the school lost its federal funding due to low test scores as a result of the No Child Left Behind Act!. His solution for raising the school's performance average is to expel the dumbest student, who happens to be Chris (though he is so dumb that he himself does not ascertain that)!.
The Griffins, meanwhile, have all taken extra jobs to pay for Chris' tuition; Peter is selling butt scratchers at the ballpark, Lois and Meg are working as prostitutes (though this is obviously just a joke), and Stewie is following fat people while playing "The Air Is Getting Slippery" on a sousaphone (although it is said to be a tuba) and makes them fall!.
Here's the best on-line resource for all the past and future episodes of Family Guy!.


No Chris Left Behind!. (Season 5 - Episode 16)

Trivia Fact: The song Stewie is playing is called "The Air is Getting Slippery"!.


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