Can Anybody give me a detailed summary on What happened on this week America'!

Question: Can Anybody give me a detailed summary on What happened on this week America's Next Top Model!?
I missed It :(Www@Enter-QA@Com

^ with the above post - just find Tausili's Youtube account, the episode will be there!.

So they're finally giving Lauren Brie some more screen-time and confessionals, which is a big hint of her being eliminated!. The girls hang out a bit and talk about the other girls, etc!.

Tyra pops in and teaches them their 'style' of posing, so each person gets their title!. (Example: Marjorie/Hunchback!. Lauren Brie/Surfer!. Samantha/Hands!. etc)!. The winner of the challenge is Marjorie!.

During the photoshoot, they have embarrassing moments for the Fiercee Awards!.

Lauren Brie - Trips on stairs while claiming award!.
Elina - Over emotional when winning!.
Analeigh - Interviewer with an attitude!.
McKey - !.!.!.Something about not winning an award!. I didn't hear it carefully!.
Samantha - Having trouble reading lines from cards!.
Marjorie - Has to use the bathroom in her gown!.
Joslyn - Finds someone with the same dress as her!.
Sheena - Her gown gets stepped on!.

Call-out orders: Marjorie, Analeigh, McKey, Samantha, and Elina!.

Joslyn gets the bottom three while Sheena and Lauren Brie are in the bottom two!. Tyra says that Sheena's personality has her staying, so Lauren is eliminated!.

Re-run will be on Friday if you don't want to watch it online and the time depends on your location!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm sure it will be on youtube by tomorrow!.

Tyra did a photo shoot type exercise with them!.

And then they had to use what they've learned for the real photo shoot!. It was an red carpet award show theme!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

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