Why did they advertise tonight's Making the Band 4 as the Season Finale?!

Question: Why did they advertise tonight's Making the Band 4 as the Season Finale!?
They said that tonight was the last episode when they played a preview for next weeks show, saying that it was the season finale!? Did anyone else notice this or am I crazy!?


Well it actually was the Finale, what they didn't tell you was that there is going to be a LIVE show next week, with DK and Diddy to answer all the question and rumors, because that show was taped months ago and alot has happened!.!.!.!.

I read on


that they may have a show to replace O'Day, Www@Enter-QA@Com

I noticed it!. I've seen shows that have done this too!. such as Flavor of Love!.
I think tonight was the first half of the finale!. and the next one is the real real finale!.

Yeah another commercial came saying
"On Part 2 of season finale"Www@Enter-QA@Com

i knoww! that's what i thought!. :0
i guess they wanted to have a cliffhanger, and THEN show the big finale, but it's alright!.!. i don't want this season of mtb4 to end! what do you think will happen!? i hope aundrea doesn't leave!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

it leavesss us the watcherr in neeeeed of making the banddd next week & it makes the ratingss so suppper hiiiiighhh!.!.!.!.

good strategy but how aggravating lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

i know!. i was confused!. but i have a question is aubrey really kicked out of the group!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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