Okay dumb question but have to know.?!

Question: Okay dumb question but have to know!.!?
If they made a moveie of King of the Hill and they was real people who would be the cast!?
Me and my sister think this would be so funny!.
Please let me knowWww@Enter-QA@Com

Hank would be Drew Carry

LuAnne would be Brittney Spears ( or some other equally intelligent blonde )

Bobby could be that kid from Three and a Half Men!.

MR Dautry could be Jason Alexander

John Redcorn could be "The Roc"

LuAnns boyfriend could be Andy Dick!.

Hanks boss could be Fred Thompson!.

Boomhower could be Owen Wilson


I could see David Koechner as Bill

the rest idkWww@Enter-QA@Com

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