Anyone watch THE OC?!

Question: Anyone watch THE OC!?
what happens in the "oliver episodes" in season 1 of the OC!?
i just need a recapWww@Enter-QA@Com

Here's what I remember!.!.!.!.

Oliver and Marissa meet at the therapist!. They become friends!. He tells Marissa he has a girlfriend!. He invites her to a party at his apt!. Ryan doesn't like Oliver and doesn't trust him!. (Marissa goes to the party alone, but Ryan gets there right at 12:00 and for the first time he tells Marissa he loves her!.)

Oliver enrolls at Harbor and signs up for the same classes as Marissa!. He takes them all on a spring break trip just to spend time with her, telling her that Natalie is coming too!. Oliver has a crush on Marissa!. He tries to make Ryan mad and split up R and M!. He gets sympathy from Marissa by talking about his girlfriend, Natalie, and the problems they have!.

He says he is going to kill himself and Marissa goes over to stop him from taking pills!. He keeps lying to Marissa and she keeps believing him!. She stays with him and asks Luke to bring her some clothes!. (This is when Luke and Julie get together!.) Luke has found out that Natalie does not exist and tells Ryan!. Marissa finds out that a lady named Natalie works at the hotel where Oliver lives, but is Oliver's past babysitter, not his girlfriend!. She calls Ryan and wants to leave when Oliver pull out a gun!.

Ryan and Sandy go to Oliver's!. The security guards at the hotel go with them to Oliver's and talk to him without opening the door!. Oliver tells them that everything is OK!. They start to leave when Marissa yells to Ryan that Oliver has a gun!. The guards bust down the door!. Oliver has the gun pointed at his head and Ryan is the one who talks him into putting it down!.

(The strange thing about Oliver is that his parents are never around, but they seem to have loads of money!.)


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