Better quality talk show: Steve Wilkos or Oprah?!

Question: Better quality talk show: Steve Wilkos or Oprah!?
Oprah is more popular but I like Steve's show better!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Steve Wilkos is AWESOME! Unfortunately, child abuse is one of my soapboxes, and the way some of these guests treat their small children, especially that one guy who broke his baby's legs, and countless others who overuse force on these kids and pass it off as "discipline," makes me sick! I vividly remember this one guy who openly admitted to spanking his innocent 4-year-old daughter hard, and wouldn't let his own mother (who wanted custody of the child) unless SHE spanked her, and that one bastard (I refuse to call him a gentleman) who screamed and beat at his 7-year-old so hard, he gave the poor kid a heart attack, and said kid already had heart problems!. I don't know how Steve can refrain from hitting these scrubs!. I'd be going at them with the first weapon I picked up!.

What really irks me is these same people spin the whole situation to make themselves look good, as if these kids deserve to be beaten and molested, and innocent women deserve to be hit, as if having a challenging, difficult life is any excuse to treat them this way!. Um, no, you take your past (whether you can forget it or not,) you learn from it, and you resolve to be a better person!. If that's too hard for you, keep it in your pants, or keep your legs closed, and don't bring children into the world if you cannot give them the love, protection and guidance that they need!.

Oprah has gotten a little boring these days, especially with Dr!. Oz on every week!. She'd only have interesting topics once in a blue moon, if that!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I sat through an episode of Steve Wilkos today!. I was appalled by the way he treated his guests: Screaming in their face, calling them insulting names, and overall being a jerk!. Maybe some of his guests truly deserve it, but it doesn't make good TV!.

Oprah, on the other hand, does not abuse her guests, though I don't usually watch her show!.

I'm guessing you won't pick me as your best answer, because I went against your opinion!. That's fine, but I did provide an answer!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

You are talking apples and oranges here!. They are two totally types of talk shows!. Depends on what the viewer like as to which is best!. Personally I'd go for Oprah - she treats here guests with a little more respect regardless of who they are!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Oprah is classier but Steve is more fun!. It's satisfying to see him yell at the scum on his show but I don't think yelling at people solves their problems!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I like Oprah!.

She give power to women all over!. Steve Wilkos just want to exploit!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Oprah is more wholesome, I think haaha!. Steve is rude!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I like Steve Wilkos Better!Www@Enter-QA@Com

steve wilkosWww@Enter-QA@Com

STEVE!!! I can't stand Oprah!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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