Do you think they will make another season of "The mole"?!

Question: Do you think they will make another season of "The mole"!?
This is my favorite show, and it looks like the ratings aren't too good!. Here's a link to the ratings!. http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/The_Mole_(U!.!.!. Based on those ratings, do you think they will make another season!? The last season before the one that is currently on was 4 years ago, so I'm not sure if that's a bad sign!. They consistently made more seasons, then took a break for 4 years until this season!. Is that a bad sign!? If you can find any additional information online that you could post here with a link, that would be great!. Thanks!Www@Enter-QA@Com

With the ratings so low they may not!. There are some viewers who want to try to get ABC to have another season by getting people to send in lemonheads(in honor of Paul)!. I read about it on the message board on ABC's site!.

i hope so!. i remember when they did celebrity mole and i was hooked!.this show is addicting and if i miss one episode i freak!.abc needs to make anohter season!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I really hope they make another season! My son and I watch every week and argue about who the mole is!. It is fun!. I would hate to see it go away again!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Will one grow back!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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