House guests on Big Brother 10!

Question: House guests on Big Brother 10
How do you feel about the house guests this season!? Personally i reall don't find anyone that is that likable!? Comments!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Note: not looking for everybody to agree!. curious on real opinionsWww@Enter-QA@Com


They're all too boring!.
I'll tell you what I think about all of them!.

Brian- He was extremely annoying in thinking he could run the house from the get go!. This group is actually a lot smarter then big brother 8, where it took them forever to get dick out but I'm glad they got rid of brian!.

Angie- I guess she was sort of likable, but not too much happened with her!. She wasn't in any drama, or anything!. She didn't bother me too much, but shes gone now!.

Memphis- Again, another boring one!. He basically sits in the corner but I can see he's smarter then he looks!. I think hes waiting for his chance to do something!. I think it was hilarious when he got all over Jerry for calling him a womanizer, and it showed hes true to who he is!.

April- She bothers me!. And why did she like Ollie in the beginning!? YUCK! She'll say shes going to do one thing and then doesn't!. She talks about her alli wayy too much!. All over she just seems FAKE!

Ollie- I'll admit hes fading away!. SOO boring!. I hate the fact how he came into the house saying "I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do nothing bad and I'm always myself" sounding like a white person now it seems like hes trying to be ghetto, and its annoying!.

Michelle- STUPID!. BORING!. She doesn't do anything, shes just a floater!. Shes gonna be one of the nice people who don't do ANYTHING but end up making it to the end!.

Jerry- He needs to go!. He creates unnecessary drama!. His scratchy voice is REALLY starting to bother me!. I hate how he always thinks hes right and he can say whatever he feels like!. Hes becoming a floater too, get him out of there!

Libra- hate her!. just annoying!. creates stupid drama and everyone should have got her out while they could!. shes just gonna keep playing people and getting her way!.

Steven- I guess I liked him!. He was soft spoken and sweet as a person, and I didn't get to know him too well as a player!.

Renny- I have to admit she annoyed me in the beginning with her accent and crazyness!. I guess shes ok now, but again, another floater!.

Dan- He's truely the only one in the house i LIKE!. He's a good person who stays by his word!. I'm glad he's americas player but I hope it doesn't hurt him in the game like it did for Eric last year!.

Keesha- she makes the stupidest moves EVER!. I mean seriously, why stick to your word with libra!? she could have got libra out of there and everyone would have worshipped her!. IDIOT!

Jessie- everything about him is annoying!. he's obessed with those freaking muscles and he needs to put some clothes on!. he thinks hes SO smart, and he gets all worked up when things aren't going his way!. he needs to go!.

So overall, this group is pretty boring, but they're smarter!. I hate how they ALL vote the same way!. So basically, the only person I like is Dan!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

This has to be the most boring bunch of house guests ever!. I work the grave yard shift and get to watch BB after dark !. So far all they ever do is sit around and talk!. No drinking parties of any sort!. We sometimes get lucky with a pretty good fight!. I like Jerry a lot!. However, it was a mistake to put a 75 yr old grandfather on the show!. The whole mood in the house is like going to visit grand parents and be on your best behavior!. Somebody needs to get fired up and start having fun in that house!.

I like Keehsa, she's pretty hot and seems honorable!. If you missed any eps of BB, by the way, check out Fancast!. It has season 10 as it is progressing and season 9 if you want to remind yourself how much you loved Amber! :)

I'm not a fan of this season!.!.!.!.at least not yet!. I tend to enjoy the seasons where there is an obnoxious houseguest who totally kicks butt at the game!.!.!.!.!.i!.e!. Evil Dick, Janelle, and Dr!. Will are my all time favorites!. I don't see anyone like that this season!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

This year's houseguests are so boring to me!. It doesn't even compare to the past few years episodes!. So far, I can't find anyone to cheer for!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I like april, I think she and ollie make a cute couple!. Im glad she got H!.O!.H!. too!! I also think that Memphis is a cutie!!! Www@Enter-QA@Com

gotta agree with you!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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