BB10 faves and worst?!

Question: BB10 faves and worst!?
BB10 who are your favorites and worst!? who do you hope to win!? I am voting for keesha all around!.!.!.she seems really nice and cool!.!.!.I hope libra and musscle man get the bootWww@Enter-QA@Com

my favorite is keesha too!. i really liked her since the beginning!. she is just so sweet, and genuine!.

i remember watching big brother after dark, i believe it was!. this was like a week ago!. steven and her were talking about their dogs back at home, and how much they miss them!. then steven said something like "they start to forget about us" !.!.!.LOL keesha's face looked just horrified! keesha is awesome!.

i don't like libra!. she was ok at first!. but now she lets everything get to her head!. she is trying to be dominant in her own little ways over everyone else!.

i don't like the jesse and memphis alliance!. same with michelle and angie, since they are with them!.

i won't spoil anything for you!.!. but if you want to see who keesha nominated, go to http://jokersupdates!.com/ !.!.!.just look at the bottom left hand part of the page!. their pictures explain it all!. that is, if you don't know about that site already!.

ohh!.!. and i love renny!. she is the cutest thing ever! i loved it when her and libra were fighting!.!. libra was like 'i did not call you slow and old!"!. and renny yells - "you'd better not!"!. oh god, that was great :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

i can't stand libra or jerry!.

libra is just pure annoying while jerry is kinda a pervert!.

i love keesha, but i think she is being played by her alliance with ollie, april, and libra!.

i am pulling for the alliance with memphis, jessie, michelle, and angie just b/c they just don't seem at ditzy!.

i also really like renny!. shes seems down to earth!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Jerry - He'll make it far, maybe final 5 but then they'll kick him out!.

Renny - If she can shut her mouth she may make it far!.

Michelle - Unless she wins a lot or becomes a bitchh she'll just fly under the radar!.

Dan - He'll have to fight every week but eventually he'll go!.

April - Shut the **** up woman!

Keesha - Shut the **** up slut!

Ollie - If you watched the meet the cast vid on cbs!.com you'll see that Ollie JUST lost his virginity before coming into the house!. wtf!.

Libra - She'll go far unless she keeps running her mouth!.

Memphis - Ok, well, I can never remember whether Memphis is Memphis or if he's Steve!. It's so hard!. Can 1 of them get evicted so I'll know who the **** everyone is!!?

Steve - See Memphis above!.

Jesse - He's either retarded or he's got short term memory loss cause he said that Renny never apologized when she did!.

Brian - Good thing he got evicted or he would've dominated like a little bastard!.

Angie - She's a little slore!. Get the **** out of there *****!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Dan is my man!. I'm rooting for him!.

I agree Jerry has played his righteous self out,
Ollie is weak!. a wolf in snake's closing and showed
he will sell our his own pastor dad if he was on the block!.
absolutely no backbone

Libra is drama mama with amnesia about what she starts and what she "meant"

jessie!.!. he is just one big muscle in luv with himself and absolutely no brain!.

keesah is mischevious
angie is devious
memphis is sneaky

renny is crazy!. but may survive!. cajuns are crazy and are survivors!.!. in a house like that!.!. she may have the best game plan of them all!.!. and it's all natural for her!

April!.!.!. ******!. crazy ******!. spinelessWww@Enter-QA@Com

libra is just annoying now!.!.!.!.Jessie is full of himself wit the muscle and all!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I love Keisha! Jerry is sweet!.!.I just think it is cute that someone his age is able to participate on the show!!.!.!.Oh and renny is stupid and is Really agrivating!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Favorites: Keesha, Renny
Worst: Jessie, MichelleWww@Enter-QA@Com

keesha & ollie are my favorites

libra i'm not to fond ofWww@Enter-QA@Com

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