Buffy ??? Riley what happened ??!

Question: Buffy !?!?!? Riley what happened !?!?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer RILEY!?!?!?!?!?!?
When dud Riley start into the season and what happens to him does he stay throughout the end of the season

i havent watched it so i just want to know does he die or leave before the show ends!. tell me as much as you can thanks

which eppy would that be if thats even the truth !?

if you have no idea what i am talking about dont comment cause im just going to report youWww@Enter-QA@Com

Riley was introduced at the beginning of Season 4 and left part-way through Season 5!. He made a one episode return appearance (along with is new wife) in Season 6!.

Riley was an operative for the government-run Initiative group of demon hunters!. He and Buffy dated throughout his time on the show, but eventually he realized that she would never really love him, so he left!.

In Season 6, he runs into Buffy when he returns tracking an egg-laying demon that could wipe out Sunnydale!. He is accompanied by his new wife, Sam, who is also an Initiative operative!. They work with Buffy to destroy the demon, then Riley and Sam leave town!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

He left to join some sort of special forces team because there was an episode where he returned and had a girlfriend and they were all in black like special ops/military clothes!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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