What is the worst reality on tv?!

Question: What is the worst reality on tv!?
This is quite a difficult one lol!. I would probably say all these modelling programs and beauty type vanity programs!. They do nothing for our society apart from bring more mental health problems and eating disorders!. also half of these models are like giraffes and would be considered "ugly" on the street yet they are considered gorgeous on a magazine cover!.

And before anyone judges I am not jealous of any of these things I just realise and see it around me what these things do to young girls etc!. It definitley reflects our societyWww@Enter-QA@Com

I think it would have to be the series about the kids that are really obese, I could have cried sitting watching them how come their parents let them get so big!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everything on MTV, especially Tila Tequila!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I would have to say the CRAP on E! such as living lohan!.!. Denise Richards!.!. etc!.!.!.

Just not the girls next door!.!. i adore that show!.!.lolWww@Enter-QA@Com

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