Real World: Nick?!

Question: Real World: Nick!?
Why was he crying tonight!? I was distracted and by the time he was done crying the show was over!. Some one please explain!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Oh my goodness!.!.!.!.that is the saddest moment on MTV since one of the producers died!. A guy named Brandon who helped Nick, Sara, and Kimberly w/ an internship w/ entertainment journalism had passed away!. They were all close to Brandon cuz he was really cool and down to earth!. He had cancer, one moment he was fine and then a couple of weeks later he died!. I don't even know the guy and i teared up when Nick got the news!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

A guy named Brandon died =( he had cancer, I was crying too and I didn't even know him, but when he said "I had cancer" i'm like bam! oh no! I hope he wasn't the one they were talking about on the trailer about dying! And sadly it was

edit: I think what really made it sad was the fact that he was on the phone before he died and he seemed so layed back and cool, it's like I see more people without health problems that are complaining about everything it just makes you think "Wow, i'm alive"!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

sarah kim and nick were introduced to brandon by charna (i think)!. hes in the entertainment business and was helping them launch their career!. he took all 3 to the premier of a movie where they got to interview movie patrons!. he had told them that he was recovering from cancer!.
nick spoke to him by phone and found out that he returned to the hospital because something new came up
when you saw nick crying was because he got a call from brandons assistant tell him that brandon just passed awayWww@Enter-QA@Com

There was a guy named Brandon who helped produce Nick, Sarah, and Kim's TV spots on their first day as interns for movies!.com!. He told them that he had just battled cancer!.
Then, it seemed like the next day ot two, they found out that he had a relapse and died!. I don't know if that was bad editing or not because they met him and then five minutes later, he died!. They were all pretty upset!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

that worker named brandon died cause he had cancer and he died at the hopsital!. and he was really sad cause he said that brandon motivated him and taught him better skills!. it was really sad i felt bad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

A guy named Brandon that helped him out died of cancer =( We were just introduced to him tonight[i think!?] and i still ended up tearing up!. It was really sad :/Www@Enter-QA@Com

Brandon, their mentor from movies!.com, passed away!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

hey its on again!. theyll show it!. :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

which nick!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

His dog died!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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