Who won Survivor last night?!

Question: Who won Survivor last night!?
I fell asleep after Natalie was voted off and missed it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Parvati won!. It was a 5-3 vote!. James, Ozzy and Eric (the one who was duped by the ladies into giving his immunity necklace to Nat) votes for Amanda!. You may want to check out the clips, as Nat asked Parvati this strange question about if her flirtatious nature and how she played the game translated into the bedroom and then went on to mention that Parvati had flirted with her (Nat) too!.

When it came down to the final three, everyone thought that that was it, and then they were surprised to hear about the final immunity challenge!. Parvati was the first one out (probably not a bad move if it was planned as either of them would have taken her) and then Cirie lost!. Amanda said that it was a very difficult decision and was crying during the whole tribal council and then voted out Cirie!. The whole time Amanda was crying Eliza Beetlejuice was rolling her eyes at Amanda and then everyone picked on Amanda at the final TC saying that they thought her tears the night before were fake!.

I was surprised, I thought Amanda would have been a slam dunk, but Cirie and Eliza both swung the other way!.

On a positive for Amanda, Ozzy told her at the last TC that he was falling in love with her and that he was most upset about being voted off in that it took away those last days with Amanda!. At the reunion it was reported that they were still together!.

Other news was that Mike's (the writer who was back stabbed by Joel in the first couple of episodes) mother was sick and died the month before the reunion!.

Mary, another 'early exiter' is now engaged to someone from Johnny FP's season, I think his name is Ryan!. They met through JF, went on a date and three days later he proposed!.

There was also that vote of giving the most deserving survivor 100k from one of the sponsors, and it came down to Ozzy, Amanda and James!. James won (and I believe he won it on his last season as well)!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Amanda won immunity !.
She Took Parv!. with her!.
Then it was a 3-4 or 4-5 vote and Parv!. won!.
P!.S- Amanda and Ozzy are still in a relationship!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Fell asleep-thats funny!. Parv!. won over Amanda, and she got her check on the Early Show today!. Memorable season!. It was over too fast for me!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Parvati won!.Amanda made a bad choice on voting Cirie out!.Amanda would have won if she kept Cirie!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Parvati won the million dollars!.

James was the Sprint $100,000 viewers choice winner!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Parvati!.won the million
and James won the best play and got money tooWww@Enter-QA@Com


Parvati beat out Amanda in a 5-3 vote!. Cirie came in 3rd!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Parv the PervWww@Enter-QA@Com

Parvati!. I really thought that Amanda had it, but I guess not!Www@Enter-QA@Com


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