What are your opinions on each of the top 12 American Idol Contestants??!!?!

Question: What are your opinions on each of the top 12 American Idol Contestants!?!?!!!?

1]David Cook- So cute and he is so very talented!. He has an amazing voice and an amazing stage presence!. He just come out there and rocks the house every week!. Oh and NO he is not arrogant/pompous/smug!. He is blessed with a beautiful wonderful voice!.

2]David Archuleta- He's improving!. Not big on all the slow music he sings but when he sang those fast songs he did very good!. He is very good!!

3]Amanda- I was never big on her!. It is just she is so rock and that is obvious!. She should have found a different show with only rockers!. Yeah I know David Cook is also rock but he can mellow it out and Amanda can't!. Her album is going to be ALL rock!. No slow stuff!.

4]Kristy- Only good some weeks and not consistent!. Syesha is so better though and can sing really anything!. I could not picture Kristy doing rock!. I think she should have went on Nashville Star!. That would have been her comfort zone!.

5]Ramiele-Not terrible!. she has a good voice but sometimes she sang some songs that may have just been to high for her!. Yes she can hit SOME notes but not them all like Carrie or Syesha!.

6]Chikezie- I didn't hate him, it is just he was off sometimes!. Like everybody [ except for David Cook and Syesha} chose the wrong songs!. I Would have liked to see him mix it up a little more until he was in his genre!.

7]David Hernandez- Oh my gosh he was great!. I think Kristy should have been gone before him and I wish he was on tour and not Kristy!.

8]Brooke- She had a good voice and was not terrible at all!. Yeah I'm A Believer was not good at all!. Wan not big on You Must Love Me either!. But I think she had a very good voice and I was so mad when Jason was safe!. Speaking of Jason lets get to him

9]Jason- Ah I hated him!. Never have liked him that much and was very happy when he left!. I felt for him when he forgot his lyrics in front of all of America!. He could play the guitar though!. Oh and he is not ugly just not cuter than David Cook [ my opinion]

10]Michael- Should not have left!. He was so good and there were at least 2 people who should have left in stead of him!. I think he would have done so good in rock week and I was so mad because I wanted to hear him sing on rock week!.

11] Carly- Should not have left!. She as so good and had some good range!. Didn't like alot of her clothes though but it is not about the fashion!. Her last performance Jesus Christ Superstar was great and I loved it!.

12] Syesha- So good!. She was also blessed like David Cook!. Just she can sing anything no matter what it is and just sing it beautifully!. I hope she makes it to the finals!. How does she make it into the bottom 3 each week!? I don't know

I hope David Cook wins!. He has really always been my favorite since the auditions!.

Oh and did you know Michael Johns already has an album finished but they won't let him release it!. He just wanted to be clear for Idol so that is why he didn't release it earlier!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Amanda- yeells
brooke- crys sweet voice tho
carly- woh this girl is AAMZING
arch- the man
cook- the other man
hernandez- eh!. he was good shouldnt have been voted off so quickely
kristy- i liked her
chikiezie- not liking this dude
jason- was good depending on the song!. hated hair
michael- yo he was AAAAAAAA GREAT
ramiele- she was cute but not my fave
syesha- dont like herWww@Enter-QA@Com

The show is fixed!.!.
Don't waste your time!.!.

David Cook won!Www@Enter-QA@Com

David H- Vocals like everyone else!.
Amanda- Really unique but in a weird way!.!.!.
Chikizie- A little boring and stage presence!.!.!.not so much!
Ramielle- Sang songs from the first century!. Very bubbly personality though!
Michael- Didn't go for the English accent tied into his singing!.
Kristy- Unique country voice!. Reminded me too much of Carrie Underwood though!.
Carly- She was the best! Why did she have to go!?! America got this one wrong, for sure! Very strong vocals!
Brooke- Got on my nerves because every time the judges made a negative comment, she would interrupt them!
Jason- I really liked his "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "I Shot the Sherriff" he had a unique voice && instruments! also, stage presence!.
Syesha- Sings the same pitch every song she sings!.
David Cook- Very INCREDIBLE, UNIQUE VOICE! Favorite one in the competition!. Definately ready to sell records!. His stage presence is amazing! Every week, he continues to blow me away!. I LOVE YOU DAVID COOK <3!. Vote David Cook!
David Archuleta- Still going through puberty!. Haha!. Not ready to sell records (in my opinion) Too young!. Gets on my nerves!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

david h- okay, never really one of my favorites

amanda- boring boring boring!.

chikezie- alright, he was a funny guy but i am glad he left when he did!.

ramiele- okay, nothing really special!. she was kind of annoying because she was over emotional and weird, just my opinion

michael- should have at least made it to the top 5!. he was better than brooke, carly, and david c!. (that's right, and david c)

kristy lee- should have made it further than she did!. people never seemed to like her much but i liked her when she was doing well!. should've made it further, to the top 5 probably, before carly and brooke

carly- i never liked her much!. she yelled every song and really grated on my nerves!. glad she finally left top 6 but kristy and michael should have gotten there before her

brooke- was sort of sweet i guess but definitely shouldn't have made it to the top 5!. but i gained a bunch of respect for her when she apologized for interrupting the judges all the time; that was mostly what bugged me!.

jason- should still be here!!!!!!!!!! he was our next american idol and america got it all wrong!!!! i can't believe he's gone!.!.!.!.!. he was so amazing and goofy and sweet and he totally should've won but it too late now i guess!.

syesha- has a good voice but has absolutely n personality and should have left before micheal and kristy lee and especially jason

david cook- is horrible and i have no idea how he's even still around!. he needed to go about the time kristy did,

david archuleta- will win!. he is very talented, young and cute so he has everything!.

in my opinion the top 12 should have been in this order:
12) amanda
11) chikezie
10) ramiele
9) david h
8) carly
7) brooke
6) david c
5) michael
4) syesha
3) kristy
2) david a
1) jason

i know this is all highly unrealistic, but hey, you asked for my opinions!Www@Enter-QA@Com

david h- he kindaa sketched me out, not just because of the stripper thing haha!. his voice was okay

amanda- glad she went home!. she definitely didn't want to be there and it showed in her performances!.

brooke- her voice was okay, and she was adorable, but she always had such nervous energy on stage that she got to be annoying!. but she'll definitely do well!. i wish she had stayed until the top 4!.

carly- she had SUCH an amazing voice, she was definitely a powerhouse!. i'm sad she didn't stay longer as well!.

chickezie- OMG i loved him!! when he sang she's a woman!.!. ahh! i loved his rendition of that song!. not really suprised that he got kicked off so early, but i do wish he stayed longer, haha!.

david A- everybody loves this kid, but not gonna lie, i'm getting kind of bored of him!. his voice is AMAZING, but it always sounds the same to me!!! i forget everything he sings , because if all blurs togather! :-\ except america, that was amazing!. ps- david's adorable though!. i'm glad he made it to the top 3!.

david C- I LOVE DAVID COOK!. i hope that he wins!.!. :-) end of story!. i love his voice, i think that he is able to sing more genres then david A!. I <3 him, i really hope he wins!.

jason- UGH i can't believe jason made it to the top 4!. i didn't like his voice at all, and he always looked and acted like he was high, which came off as rather unprofessional in my opinion

kristy- i actually liked kristy, but i honsetly don't understand how she was in the bottom three for like 5 weeks in a row and still managed to stay on the show!. i think that she should have gone home before a lot of other people, which is a bummer!. (not that that is her fault-- people obviously voted for her) butttt i liked her voice, and she always looked nice and had good stage prescience

michael- i liked michael's voice alot!.!. but he reminded me a little of a spiffier constantine (from earlier season) i can't remember what week michael got kicked off, but i liked his performance that night and was surprised when he got the boot!.

ramielle- ugh i didn't like her!. didn't like her voice at all, sorry

syesha- i really like syesha!. i don't think she's the american idol, but i definitely think that she has a future in broadway!. she has imrpoved more than any of the other contestants, and i think that that is a really important element to take into consideration!. i love her voice though, so would probably buy something of hers off iTunes

hahaha ok those were really long opionions =] enjoy!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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