The Winner of American Idol 2008?!

Question: The Winner of American Idol 2008!?
I heard that the winner of American Idol will already be chosen 3 hours before it airs here

So when the winner of American Idol season 7 is chosen us people in California won't know who won until 3 freaking hours later!?!?!!!!

Explain plz :O

I'm confusedWww@Enter-QA@Com

It airs on the East Coast 3 hours before it airs on the West Coast (because of the time difference)!. It seems silly because the show is done in LA (West Coast)!. But that's just how it is with all tv shows!. No matter where you are in Canada/US American Idol will air at 8 (on Tues) and 9 (on Wed), the East Coast just gets to know about it before the West Coast does!.
So if you don't want to know who won, don't check online until after you watch the showWww@Enter-QA@Com

To Harsh Advisor: You answered one of my questions and you said Archie wants to win for the just the fame and glory!. That's pretty harsh!. Cookie would have been upset if he heard you said that!. If you are a Cookie fan, you SHOULD respect on what he says on Archie being an amazing and wonderful guy!. They are both close great friends and just respect that!. Thank you!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Actually, those in the Kodak theatre (the live audience)!.!.!.are in California (LA to be exact), will also know the results of the show!. So, not ALL Californians will have to wait 3 hours!. Just go to LA and get a ticket to the live show!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It is live where ever they shoot it but it is on at 8 p!.m!. every where in the world so for some people 8 p!.m!. is like 5 p!.m!. somewhere else which means they have another three hours till it comes on in their city, I know, it's confusing!. Good luck David Cook!Www@Enter-QA@Com

it's like that every week!.
it airs live on the east coast [where I live] and then it re-airs at 8 or 9 [tuesday or wed] 3 hours after it started here!.

it's because of the time difference!.


wat da 1st person said!Www@Enter-QA@Com

OMGZorZ!.!.!. who cares!. Get a hobby!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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