CSI fans NEEDED!!!!?!

Question: CSI fans NEEDED!!!!!?
Okay, I too am a CSI fan and I need as many episodes as possible to write down!. I need a short description of what happened!. Scientifical or chemitry terms are needed along with the date and time that the show was on!.
Oct 2nd 2008
9:15 pm

In this episode A comedian is leaving to go home after a show when he spots a box behind his car!. He calls CSI and they try to identify the individual child who looked unharmed!. By performing extreme investigations and trace evidence!. The murder is linked back to the child step-father!. They were able to identify the cause of death to be extreme chemical poisioning!. Once the poision was leaked, the child was slowly killed!.!.!.

Thanks for your helpWww@Enter-QA@Com


That will give you a breakdown of every episode from every season!. Recaps, notes, quotes, goofs, trivia, etc!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Try IMDB or Wikipedia!.org

They have a full list of every episode and a brief description of each!. If you're looking for the scientific terms, wikipedia might be your best bet!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Try cbs!.com/csiWww@Enter-QA@Com

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