The Blonde Chick on Real World Hollywood!?!

Question: The Blonde Chick on Real World Hollywood!!?
I think that this girl is incredibly racist and prejudice!. The things she says are so offense!. I can't understand how she doesn't realize it!. Am I the only person that thinks this!?!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

i can't believe some of the things she says either

but i think she's a prejudice individual that makes racist remarks because she is naive and ignorant!. i can't really blame people that were sheltered or happen to be raised very naive or ignorant, but she really needs to step back and think about what she says!.
also, i think she said she wants to be a reporter on E! television or something like that!.!.!. she better get smacked with some sense and a global mindset before she can even intern for them!. i honestly don't see a future for her on E!, even if she cleans up her mind and mouth, she is doesn't have pleasing-sounding voice/accent nor look!.!.!. she just doesn't have that IT factor that makes millions of people want to watch her sorry!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I have to say I think she is just ignorant!.!.yeah her remarks do come out sounding racist!.!.and extremely rude!.!.but maybe she just doesn't understand the reality that no matter what race, religion, color, creed, ethnic background, social status, economic circumstances that a person comes from, they are still a person and they have the same rights and freedoms to express themselves just as well as she does!.!.!.and what ppl do to make a living is their business!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yea, I disliked her after the 2nd episode! She is very small minded, and racist!. She says things and then goes back on them!. She talks about Bri being a stripper and then tries to borrow her clothes!! She dresses like a slut!. She dances on guys like trailor trash!. She is a hott insecure mess!!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, I think everyone hates her!. She is the token naive, racist Southern girl that gets casted every year!.
She is so annoying, and there is NO way she will ever be an entertainment reporter with that stupid accent!. And, have you seen her without makeup!? She is an ignorant person!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yeah some of the things she says are very dis-respectful ! From the "Don't get ghetto" thing with Bre, to the "Strippers are trash" thing with Bre !. Joey was right, I picture those girls never having a problem financially and so they don't know what the "real world" is like !Www@Enter-QA@Com

Like all reality shows i bet they just told her say some ignorant mess like that!.!.!.because its HARD to believe in this day and age that some1 could be that naive!. Unless she's Amish which she is clearly not she has been around other cultures and she knows betterWww@Enter-QA@Com

Kimberly, the blonde from South Carolina, seems to have insecurities!. She's very blunt and outspoken!. She probably makes offensive comments so she feels better about herself!. I think Kimberly should keep her ugly comments to herself!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

she is just immature, she wouldnt say no mess like that in the hood, she'd get hurtWww@Enter-QA@Com

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