Supernatural on ITV2 finished for the season?!

Question: Supernatural on ITV2 finished for the season!?
Did I miss something because the TV show Supernatural (on every Sunday on ITV2 at 9pm in the UK) appears not to be on this week, or next week according to my TV guide!. I can only assume that the current series has now ended but I don't recall last weeks episode being much a finale!.
Can anyone help me with this!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Supernatural starts back, with the final 4 episodes, on May 29thWww@Enter-QA@Com

its a mid-season break, for britians got talentWww@Enter-QA@Com

Nonono! I was confused too! I love the show it just seems ITV2 have stopped it until May 29th!. IT WILL BE BACK! Thankfully :)

It's just not Sunday without it :(Www@Enter-QA@Com

NO NO NO!!! It can't be!! How do they expect us to wait that long!! Damn you, Britain's Got (no) Talent!!

Glad someone asked this!! Get it right ITV2!!

Thanks for the heads up!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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