Did you find the topics on yesterday's view condescending?!

Question: i really hope whoopi gets well soon. both barbara and ms know it all elisabeth should really shut up!. i was proud of sherri yesterday who has a reputation for being stupid stand up and challenge elisabeth on her words and beliefs. EH always speaks on matters she knows nothing a/b. like what it feels like as a black person to be discriminated against just simply for being black. i agree the pastor needs to stop living in the past but black churches speak a/b what's going on in the black community. BW is always trying to be so PC a/b everything. unfortunately racism is still alive and well in america and should be spoken a/b openly b/c it does exist.

and will EH ever admit that going into this war was not a good descision and even she was taken aback when they should the tape of cheney saying he doesn't care what the american people think. this is why the republicans need to go. that was disrespectful to every family that has lost a loved one in this senseless war.

Answers: i really hope whoopi gets well soon. both barbara and ms know it all elisabeth should really shut up!. i was proud of sherri yesterday who has a reputation for being stupid stand up and challenge elisabeth on her words and beliefs. EH always speaks on matters she knows nothing a/b. like what it feels like as a black person to be discriminated against just simply for being black. i agree the pastor needs to stop living in the past but black churches speak a/b what's going on in the black community. BW is always trying to be so PC a/b everything. unfortunately racism is still alive and well in america and should be spoken a/b openly b/c it does exist.

and will EH ever admit that going into this war was not a good descision and even she was taken aback when they should the tape of cheney saying he doesn't care what the american people think. this is why the republicans need to go. that was disrespectful to every family that has lost a loved one in this senseless war.

I loved it when Joy told Elisabeth to "hurry up" because she always drones on and on. All they have to do is start standing up to her. The audience was on Joy and Sherri's side that has to tell you something and that something is that Elisabeth needs to go.

EH is the worst! She's so in denial.

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