Who here watches the show TAPS? do you agree that alot of times?!

Question: they dismiss the house as not being hauntd but deep down you just know the damn place is haunted? who is yuur favorite persn on the show?

Answers: they dismiss the house as not being hauntd but deep down you just know the damn place is haunted? who is yuur favorite persn on the show?

I love watching ghost hunters. I'm not as much of a fan of the international series though.

I like Jay and Grant. They are the most level-headed ones on the show.

And as far as claiming a house is haunted, I can understand why they wouldn't say it is. They have to have proof whether it be on thermal or EVP or even regular camera. They can't claim personal experiences because any non-believer is going to pick it apart and twist it.

I think it is great that they go to places to disprove a haunting.

i agree sometimes they won't say it cause they can't prove that it is. i guess i don't have a real favorite . but i like the show plus the european one as well.

FAKE, its all fake

They never find anything.... it's like having sex without climax... pointless. lol

Ghost Hunters is my favorite show! The members of TAPS attempt to disprove the existence of ghosts and try to explain paranormal activities. They utilize high-tech devices and gadgets, and they also use their own personal experiences to disprove hauntings, and that's what I enjoy about the show.

My favorite person on the show is Jason Hawes. He's sharp, witty, and has a good sense of humor. Ghost Hunters is a clever and entertaining show.

I luv the show and my fave is Steve because he's HOT!!!

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