Eastenders question: Did I miss something re: Phil and Jase?!

Question: A few months ago when that gang of baddies was around and Phil saved him from them he said "I own you now". Whatever happened to that storyline cos now they are best buds! or did the scriptwriters forget about that?

Answers: A few months ago when that gang of baddies was around and Phil saved him from them he said "I own you now". Whatever happened to that storyline cos now they are best buds! or did the scriptwriters forget about that?

Um, no they haven't forgotten about that. In the episode on Tuesday or Thursday, Jase is looking for some extra work, and Phil offers him a job, but won't pay Jase to do it. And, the boxing was just because they're enemies. They went soft on each other because their kids are friends, and they were watching the boxing match.

Why do you say that they're 'best buds' now?


on thursday, he "dis-owned' him and now he is freeeeeeee as a bird-like nelly furtardo

They had a boxing charity thing the other night not sure what happened but after they shook hands in the pub and Phil said that its finished him owning him something like that

that's a good point!
they always forget story lines, like Steven kidnapping Ian and shooting Jane!,wheres Shirley's Vince and that bloke pat met??
also has Deano left for good, he came back then walked down the street???....that's it??, eastenders, although i love it, is badly written nowadays.

Theyre still very niggly around eachother...but really there kind of friends because they were just laughing in the boxing ring..but like minutes before that they were having like a quiet conversation...so dont know whats going on there...

I WT A New Friend

whtaever hae

eastenders worst english soap in england I stick with american soaps.

Max Branning=Legend
Steven=Dick Sack
Phil=loves **** pie
Jane=Eats like a bird
Stacey=Cheese souffle
Sean=Zib a zib a keys(whistle)

I don't think they're best buddies at all. Phil's just blowing hot and cold as usual

They took their sons to boxing lessons Ben did not want to go but phil pushed him to go ben had a good time and then Phil and Jase started arguing so then Jack suggested they have a bout in ring.
They were both shattered think jase let phil win when he could have floored him
Ben tore into his dad saying he hated him being horrible to Jase so think this is why they are no even stevens.

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