Who do you think are the top 5 hottest guys on GH?!

Question: My top 5 is :
1: Jason
2. Logan
3. Nikolas
4. Lucky
5. Patrick

I also think Sonny and Jax are hot but they are tops for me. Let me know what you think.

Answers: My top 5 is :
1: Jason
2. Logan
3. Nikolas
4. Lucky
5. Patrick

I also think Sonny and Jax are hot but they are tops for me. Let me know what you think.

1. Jason
2. Nikolas
3. Lucky
4. Patrick
5. Logan

Only 5? LOL. Just kidding. Here are my 5:

1) Jason
2) Lucky
3) Nicholas
4) Johnny
5) Patrick

Alright here is my top 5
1. Jason Morgan
2. Nikolas Cassadine
3. Lucky Spencer
4. Patrick Drake
5. Jasper Jax

1. Jason
2. Nikolas
3. Logan
4. Jax
5. Lucky

1. Jason- no brainer!

2. Johnny Z.- very sexy!

3.Spanelli- his nerdy-ness is appealing

4. Dr. Devlin- he's hot and a hot mess!!

5.Jasper Jax- I've had a crush on him forever!

1. Sonny (dimples, smile, attitude)
2. Jason (body)
3. Jax (eyes, accent)
4. Lucky (everything)
5. Logan (body)

1. Jason...(of course)
2. Nikolas
3. Johnny
4. Lucky
5. Patrick

My top 5 are:
1: Jason
2: Nikolas
3: Sonny
4: Jax
5: Johnny


1. Jason
2. Johnny
3. Sonny
4. Dr. Julian
5. Spinelli- the geek speak turns me on, what can I say? ;-)

1. Jax
2. Jason
3. Patrick
4. Logan
5. Sonny

Fun question....hmmmm...
1. Jason
2. Jax
3. Nikolas
4. Lucky
5. Ric

Jason, Nikolas, Logan, Johnny, Lucky. in that order : )

1. Nikolas
2. Johnny
3. Logan
4. Jax
5. Spinelli

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