What happened on prison break last weeeek!,?!

Question: i missed it :(

Answers: i missed it :(

go to 'fox on demand'. I would give you a link but it's not working sorry. not the myspace one either.

what she said... but if i had missed it i would of died. Basically micheal told some officer about the whole situation and he was going to help, but ended up getting shot by that Susan. Sry if i spoiled it for u.

in the last episode michael had to admit everything about the company,susan and his escape to this guard!!!!then,the guard asked whistler everything and he didn't want to confirm michael's statement but finally he did and he told them about susan.susan got arrested of the polices and she got tortures until she admitted to know something abou lj.by the way....linc was able to see lj once!!!anyway....susan said she can ring the police to lj but lj was gone and suddenly susan did something and gunned the polices down and was free....again!!!
and mahone is bak in sona,bellick won his fight and sammy try to get the power which lechero has!!!

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