What happens at the end of Seinfeld?!

Question: never saw it, heard something about prison for all of them?

Answers: never saw it, heard something about prison for all of them?

Many romors were circulating about the ending of the show. The series ended with a 75-minute episode and the actual finale poked fun at these many rumors, seeming to move into several supposed plots before settling on its true storyline — a lengthy trial in which Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer are prosecuted for violating a "Good Samaritan law" and are sentenced to one year in jail. The last conversation in this final episode repeats the very first conversation from the pilot episode, discussing the positioning of a button on George's shirt. In the finale, the characters vaguely recall having the conversation before.

It sucks actually,they all go to jail because they went to court for some reason I cant remember.Seriously!!!!!

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