Gh: Now that Jason's hair is cut maybe he will change! Who else wishes that!!

Question: Jason was the best man on GH until he grew out his hair(eww) and started seeing Elizab*tch
WHo else hopes Jason changes and that he starts caring about others again.

Answers: Jason was the best man on GH until he grew out his hair(eww) and started seeing Elizab*tch
WHo else hopes Jason changes and that he starts caring about others again.

I hope so - I hate elizabeth. hate hate hate. and I really loved Sam and Jason. They were so good and I didnt think theyd ever break up. I dont even like Jason these days. Makes me so mad even thinking about it. lol.

Jason never stopped caring about others...and he grew out his hair for a movie role, so get over it already

That's silly.
Does your personality change when you get a haircut?

He still cares about people. I love him and Liz together, he is so sweet with her and the kids. I hope they get to be together. He and Liz were together before and his hair was short.

He cares about a lot of people! What's so bad about Elizabeth? I like Jason the way he is--can't even remember the way he was before that was so long ago!

I love Jason and Elizabeth. I have followed their relationship for years. I cannot wait for them to get together. I do think Jason is beginning to change a little, he is seeing how is bad choices have made it impossible to be with his son and the the woman he loves. So it is time for him to give up his evil ways and stop killing people. Yeah!!! Oh BTW I don't think his hair cut is the catalyst for this though.

Jason still cares about other people, more than himself actually. He's not near as selfish as Sam and Lucky. And unlike Sam, at least Liz has a heart. Jason doesn't need to change.

Jason is still Jason!! He's warm & caring!!

He very much cares for and about others.

If you read all the other responses, you are one of a few who think Jason is selfish & uncaring.

We can't all be wrong!!!!

Jason is great!!! We love Elizabeth!!

AMEN!!! As soon as I seen his newhair I made a comment about it! Thank God it's been cut now maybe we can see a better Jason....... He needs to leave Elizabeth alone!

I do like his haircut now, but I know it was long for another part he was playing, so you can't really fault him for it. I love him and Elizabeth together- Sam was (and still is) the B***

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