Does anyone else think Janice Dickinson is disgusting?!

Question: I am talking about the former supermodel that now has a reality show on modeling. I think she is a nasty person and any looks she has is made nasty by her personality

Answers: I am talking about the former supermodel that now has a reality show on modeling. I think she is a nasty person and any looks she has is made nasty by her personality

She really is quite bizarre! She was on The Howard Stern Show the other day, and she was bugging the hell out of me! I think she was on drugs or something because she couldn't focus and she kept going off on these tangents! It was odd!

She looks nasty and has a nasty attitude. As for the supermodel description- not hardly. She is the only one to call herself a former supermodel.

Disgusting is an under statement.

She's a pig!

I don't think she's attractive at all...even her former supermodel puctures. And she has a "my poop smells sweeter than most" attitude.

And therefore, find her appalling!

no not really , she was in our british programme called "i'm a celebrity get me outta here " she came second and captured the hearts of the nation , she may be loud , but behind all that she seemed to be an okay person

Can't stand her. Ugly looking, ugly attitude, ugly personality. She seriously needs to get over herself. I never even heard of her until she claimed Sylvester Stallone was the father of her child. BTW, he wasn't. She should keep track of who she's sleeping with. Her show is a joke and so is she.

Why is she any more disgusting than the rest of the z list idiots At least she had a sense of humour which you need when looking at people wingeing like Cerys drying out and the appalling Marc someone.

You know for some reason I actually like her...

She is a little strange. But I don't think she's ugly.

Her personality, well she's blunt and tells you how it is. She could tone that down but doubt she will.

She has looks???????


She's horrendous!!! She's arrogant and self-centered and just plain ugly! what?

Yes! I'm also sick of her ranting about herself. We get it! You were one of the world's first super models! BIG STINKING DEAL! GO do something like Tyra Banks has!

I warmed to Janice on I'm a celebrity and I know she 's now had loads of plastic surgery but saw a photo of her in a magazine when she was younger and I can understand why she was a model she was stunning.

I HAAAAAAAAAAATE HER!!! She's so nasty.

yeah'she iz nasty[she think she iz still young...and she iz not]

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