Americas Next Top Model question, we are way behind here in oz?!

Question: i have just started watching this show. are winners taken seriously, have any of the contestants made a name for themselves, or had success in the fashion field

Answers: i have just started watching this show. are winners taken seriously, have any of the contestants made a name for themselves, or had success in the fashion field

Jaslene is actually modeling, shes gotten a lot of work.

Kim, the lesbian is on MTV, I love her and I am happy shes doing well.

Adrianna Curry and Tyra hate each other so Tyra don't promote her anymore.

Shandy does professional karaoke.

my sister actually watches that show. she's obsessed with the fashion industry and all that crap. she says yes to your questions.

Considering they're now on series 9... I doubt they'd do it if there was only a limited amount of success.

Hahaha!!! we are about 3 seasons behind in aus!! it's a bit sad!
The only top model I can think of that's been successful from a top model show is the Australian model Gemma Ward!!
I've never heard of any U.S top models after they've won!

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