Will you be watching the Kid Nation Season Finale Tonight?!

Question: Is Anything going to happen? Or is this just the final Episode where they say Goodbye....I mean i know they say Goodbye but do they have any secrets or anything big announced tonight?

Answers: Is Anything going to happen? Or is this just the final Episode where they say Goodbye....I mean i know they say Goodbye but do they have any secrets or anything big announced tonight?

I don't know if any secrets will be revealed but, it should be interesting. (you know they weren't totally, totally alone)
I'm NOT a big fan of any type of 'reality' show but, this one caught my interest.
It was great to see the 'interactions' of the kids and some decisions they made, they did one helluva job.
This program has 'restored' my faith in 'our youth'.....KUDOS, to you "Kid Nation"!

I think they are giving a gold star away that is worth 50K. I'll be watching tho, I'm really excited to see what happens!

No, I won't, sorry.

I will be watching gordon ramseys kitchen nightmares though.
Always get a few chuckles out of that show. If it is on.

Yes I will! Those kids are incredible! I don't care if anything "happens" ...that show reinstilled my faith in humanity's future. I can tell you right now that we're going to hear from Sophia in the future...she's got "leader" written all over her!

according to the previews one of the buildings catches fire. i think they are supposed to award some larger gold stars i don't know how many or what the criteria are. should be good.


in a preview their giving away a 50k gold star and maybe more than one. And something was on fire and i am pretty sure it wasn't on purpose becuase they were screaming and trying to put it out.

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