ER Fans...?!

Question: Ok, so ER is set to wrap up permanently, 'tis been said that this is the last season, although because of the writers strike in LA they may extend it for one more season. How do you think the story lines are going to end? Especially with Luka and Abby?

Answers: Ok, so ER is set to wrap up permanently, 'tis been said that this is the last season, although because of the writers strike in LA they may extend it for one more season. How do you think the story lines are going to end? Especially with Luka and Abby?

I love ER! It's been one of my favorite shows since I was little! I own all the dvds that are out and I super excited Season 8 will be here next month! haha
Anyways- I'm sure the series will be ending soon because the ratings just keep dropping and they don't keep shows around this long. With this stupid strike thing going on though who knows what will happen with any show. Ugh
To answer your question about Luka and Abby... I'm not quite sure where they're trying to take these characters. I was kinda upset when they had Abby go back into drinking, but whatever- I hope they write her back healthy. But then again it could be a good way to go out- her losing her job and maybe they move off to Croatia. ha I dunno. I don't want it to end though...

I lost interest after Dr. Greene died.

I hope ER never ends! I can't believe they got rid of that doctor by lopping off his arm and then dropping a helicopter on him! I thought his character was terrific! Anyway, they just had their 300th episode and no more episodes this season, I guess. So, I'm hoping that it doesn't end and therefore the Luka/Abby situation doesn't end, either.

I am a bit frustrated with that story line. It's been done and done again....why do we have to go over it once more? With all the other people in the show why is it that we can't find away to write a story about one of them? It's hard to watch sometimes because they bounce around so much. Like Sam and the rich guy that helps her when she kills her ex. They could have made a good story out of that but it fell flat ....quick. We also have the story about Abby and the doc she cheated on Luka with...where the hell did he go? Again that could have been a great story line but instead we go back to the old one of Abby and her drinking. Even with all the ups and downs and the disapointments I feel, I still don't want the show to go off air...just wish they would pick it up a bit.

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