Who voted for Marie Osmond? WTF??????!

Question: This is not right. She should not even their anymore. She can't move half as fast as the rest of the girls and Helio! Well I said my bit...what did you think? I guess she has the whole state of Utah and all the mormoms voting for her right?

Answers: This is not right. She should not even their anymore. She can't move half as fast as the rest of the girls and Helio! Well I said my bit...what did you think? I guess she has the whole state of Utah and all the mormoms voting for her right?

Marie can't dance at all. I know it's nice that she's trying but c'mon this is a competition and marie she should be gone a long time ago. I'm so mad that she's still on the show, everyone knows that she's only there because of her father that passed away and all the drama that has been going on in her life. And if she wins it's not because of her dancing, it is because everyone feels pity for her. That will be a disgrace they shouldn't let old people compete with the young ones, Marie, needs to go home and deal with her sh*t.

who got kicked of dancing tonight??
I was hoping the Marie Osmond would, but apparently my wish wasn't granted
I think people feel sorry for the ol' hag...
dang it~maybe next week she will get the boot she deserves

OMG!!! I am so with you on that! I thought it would be a no-brainer that Marie would go tonight! She is not even in the same league with the other 3 stars! How does she stay in there every week??? It has to be the mormons!

Not me ! But she has a whole posse of voters who vote for her because they feel sorry for her.
She certainly doesn't have the dancing skills to be in the Final 3 !
I thought this was a DANCING competition not a popularity contest.
Marie should of been the one to go home tonight not Jenny.

Do you VOTE? i don't live in utah and i vote Mel B Spicegirl?
Helio racecar driver? Jenny Garth "Melrose place"?
Marie Osmomd more represents middle America than the others!that why i vote for her and she really try's!!!

is that a case? I posted a similar question... lol

It wasn't me. I will admit that I have voted for her in previous weeks, because I find her entertaining & I think she tries hard! This week all of my votes, 3 phones & 1 email account went to Jennie for all the good it did her.

Miss J - Unfortunately, Jennie & Derek are out.

The good news...when this has happened in past seasons...the judges intentionally & obviously score down that competitor...so she probably won't win the final.

Why she's still on the show? In my view, it's all politics and her brothers are behind this. They are bribing.
Go Home Marie!

You know you burned up the phone lines calling in votes for her. You LOVE HER!!!

your so right wanted garth to win. the mormons are poweful .so that could be it.

I have voted for Marie since day one. No I am not a Mormon nor do I live in Utah. You & the rest have no clue do you, she's an entertainer, the whole family are entertainers. She's been dancing since she was a young girl. Obviously you also cried when they voted loser Wayne Newton off right???

voted 2 phone and an emial to Jennie

Marie may have been able to dance 20 years ago but she is not entertaining anymore and I think that she even knows that sabrina,jennie,and Cameron are more deserving than she

I voted on every phone I could get my hands on and I voted for Marie, simply because I wanted Jennie kicked off. I couldn't stand watching her mess with her teeth. She was getting on my nerves. Next, week though, I am voting for Mel and Max.I just had to see Jennie go.

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