Gh fans, who are all those people?!

Question: I thought I had accidentally changed the channel a couple of days ago when suddenly these new faces popped up. Who the heck is the sex addict girl and the pain killer addict guy, and the guy with the long dark hair who is a doctor? I have just started watching this show again about two months ago and this is the first I am seeing of these people. Wow, they are really getting desperate aren't they? And where the hell has Jason been? He has been in one episode in the last 2 weeks!! What is going on with that show? These new people are horrible actors. I hope they are just temporary!!

Answers: I thought I had accidentally changed the channel a couple of days ago when suddenly these new faces popped up. Who the heck is the sex addict girl and the pain killer addict guy, and the guy with the long dark hair who is a doctor? I have just started watching this show again about two months ago and this is the first I am seeing of these people. Wow, they are really getting desperate aren't they? And where the hell has Jason been? He has been in one episode in the last 2 weeks!! What is going on with that show? These new people are horrible actors. I hope they are just temporary!!
As one of the "old time" GH fans I hardly recognize my favorite show. And you are soooooo right, these newbie actors are horrible. I also hope they are temporary. Their story lines are from the GH spin off, Night Shift....which is where they should have stayed !!!!

Where have all the "actors" gone, long time passing......(LOL) I know Luke will be on shortly, then maybe we'll see more of Tracy, Edward, Monica, Alice and Alan's ghost !!!!! Where's Bobbie, Noah Drake, Sr., Anna, Robert......and while we're at it....where's a decent story line anymore????

Is anyone else tired of the "bad attitude nurse" Ephiny (spelling) and Spinelli??? A little bit of him has gone a long, long way. Must he dominate nearly every scene, every day. Give me a break, please !!!
The big mystery is, "who's killing General Hospital " and when will the slaughter stop, when GH becomes last in the ratings ????
They are from the just ended GH primetime spinoff Night Shift that was on Soapnet---GH is crossing some of them over to GH- Young Newbies are Cheap for them to hire and they want to draw the YOUNG audience ( 18-35)

Steve Burton has been on and off working on a Movie and some of the other actors are getting their vacations in or if they are Older Vets GH doesn't use them much anymore
the Advertisers want the YOUNG viewers so if you are 40+ they aren't interested in you and cater to the new and young viewers
GH started a knock-off show called NightShift that ran for 13 weeks in the summer. Some of the new people came from there and are transitioning onto GH.

The sex addict girl is Dr. Kelly Lee, who is an OB-GYN. She's a good doctor though.

The pain killer addict guy is Cody... he's a soldier back from Iraq who knows Coop and Logan, and has PTSD so that's why he needs the pain meds.

Dr. Hottie... I mean the guy with the dark hair is Dr. Leo Julian. He's a cardiologist who transitioned from NightShift to GH, as well as Cody did.

Steve Burton (who plays Jason of course) went on vacation so that's why he has been off-screen for a little while.
They are on GH: Night Shift, the sex addict is Dr. Lee who has always been on GH for the last year at least. she always go out drinking with Robin and Lainey. I do not think they are keeping all of them except for Leyla the girl Patrick is sleeping with
well i think it is good that they are writting in the actors from night shift into general hospital that way we get to find out what is t he ending of night shift.
You can find recaps of Night Shift at Serial Drama, to catch you up on who the new characters are (and what stupid storylines they're bringing over for the old characters, like Kelly's sex addiction). And yes, they are desperate -- I guess they didn't expect NS to tank as badly as it did (to which I say, the viewers didn't expect it to suck as badly as it did), and now they need to find something to do with the actors since it hasn't been renewed.

As for Jason, are you kidding me? The holy hitman is always on, and when he's not on he's being talked about. The show could use a break from him.
oh you really know how to get a gal in stitches I am laughing my tail off on this one yeah they kinda just have took over I think that are using them as props for when folks at the hospital need and I cannot stand Patrick and his smug butt..he really thinks he is gods gift to like to see hime have his tail tucked between his legs and ran
Kelly Lee is an ob-gyn at General Hospital. She is good friends with Lainey Winters, Robin Scorpio and Elizabeth Webber. At one point, she was caught in a compromising position with Patrick Drake by Robin Scorpio in a hospital supply closet. She was Maxie Jones' doctor when she was faking her pregnancy by Lucky Spencer in 2006.

She is currently helping her friend Robin Scorpio find sperm donors so she can have a baby and Kelly is a sex addict.

Andy Archer is a fictional character on the SOAPnet drama series, General Hospital: Night Shift. Dr. Archer is an anesthesiologist at General Hospital and he is portrayed by Ron Melendez.

Andy is a drug addict. He puts himself to sleep with anesthesia when he is working the night shift so he can get some sleep.

Leo Julian is a fictional character on the SOAPnet drama series, General Hospital: Night Shift. Dr. Julian is a cardiologist, the character has also made several appearances on General Hospital. He is portrayed by Dominic Rains.

Steve Burton is probably on vacation.
Sounds like you caught an episode of GH Nightshift. Most of the characters that you mentioned sound like NS people.Now that the show is over most of the characters are now on GH.
Isn't it funny sometimes you don't watch for 3 months and you can turn it right back to where you left off, or else you start watching again and all the characters have completely changed. (Like for example I missed the "encephalitis" outbreak and I go back to watching and half the characters are gone...) They are switching a lot of the people over from "Nightshift" to day now because that season has ended, and I suppose next summer they will magically go back to working the nightshift. If you want to know who any of the new characters are, a good thing to do is type in the names at Wikipedia (such as Spinelli, Anthony Zacchara, Kate Howard, etc.) they all have profiles on there, or there is a really good spoiler site at called General Hospital Two. I personally really like Megan Ward's character (Kate Howard) with Sonny because besides Carly, it seems like they were running out of leading ladies for him. (I mean c'mon remember when it was Emily Q?) and I LOVE Sonny's lawyer, Diane, if you have seen some of her scenes, she is great comic relief!
You're complaining about bad actors but clamoring for Steve Burton? Pick a side.
those people are from nightshift. i don't know where jason has been but i'm sure he'll be on alot soon with liz divorcing lucky and the truth coming out about jake.
kelly has been on a while, but apparently on the soapnet show GH Nightshift she's a sex addict... so it's a character change for daytime. the rest are all characters from nightshift... not really sure who they all are. the long haired doc has been on GH a couple of times. I'm looking forward to seeing more of him.

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