Do you watch Dr. Phil?!


Do you watch Dr. Phil?

I have been an avid Dr. Phil watcher for the last year or so. Recently, I've starting noticing that the guests never really get anything resolved. It seems like the entire show dances around the root of their problems, repeating the same issue over and over again. In the end, Dr. Phil tells them the obvious answer in a couple sentences. I used to love this show, but lately it seems to be geared towards ratings rather actually helping people. Anyone agree?

Answers: The start of this new season I think I agree with you. He lets them talk, asks them questions, then says "I'm going to tell them the key points of what they need to do when we come back." then goes to commercial. Meh. Also - I think this whole Dr. Phil NOW is kind of ridiculous. He's getting ratings and that's all.

Also - he's been advertising a show with a girl named Megan McCaully for the past 2 weeks but every time it's supposed to come on, another show comes on or it's a rerun episode - so it's annoying me LOL

Personally, and rather unfortunately, I think Hollywood has gone to his head. I think he is an egotistical jerk. I CAN'T believe that Oprah (who I have tremendous respect for) introduced him to us. He is way too judgemental and quick to point fingers. He had a show the other day on Britney Spear's problems. Enough said. You are right, he is in it for the ratings. Most problems cannot be solved by a dude on a one hour TV show. Most of the people on that show need professional counseling. It makes for entertaining TV though. You are probably just getting smarter by watching him. Usually the answers aren't complicated, people just don't want to accept them. Dr. Phil will obviously be concerned about ratings, seeing as its a TV show and all, but he does make a real effort to impact the lives of his guests, often investing time and money in them off air. I think he's a pompous bafoon. All of the show is made so he can show off himself. Girls like the show though. I used to watch Dr.Phil,but I stopped because I think he is barbaric,and the way he tries to help people sometimes seems as though he is degrading them.He's cocky,arrogant,and egotistical.I also don't want to look at his wife every DAMN day!Why the hell has she been hosting shows?Is she a celebrity now? I agree with you.
It seems like whenever I watch the show, they introduce the guests, talk about their problem, talk about it somemore.
Then by the end of the show he gives a vague answer as to what they should do and tells them to get one of his books!

It's like WTF?? He doenst solve anything anymore, an only has 1 or 2 stories on. So lame No ...I would not listen to a 2 time divorced man telling me about marriage i agree,i noticed that too,the show is totally different then it use to be.also the show about brittney,(showing her downfalls) which i agree she needs help but where was the help for anna nicole?he says he tryd to help her but all of a sudden hes got brittneys life on tv saying she needs to be commited.i dont think thats for him to judge.she has to work out her own proplems.of course they had to know the ratings would be high because of doing a show about brittney. I do sometimes. nope

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