What is Big Brother & why is it named that?!


What is Big Brother & why is it named that?

For the last 8 seasons I've totally ignored it - what is it really about? I understand it's cutthroat & people are voted off - the last one standing wins.....but what is the actual "summary" of the game? How many people will you betray to win?

And the name doesnt make sense, anyone know it's called that?


Contestants live in a house together, drive each other crazy, form alliances, fight, flirt, and compete in dumb challenges. They vote each other off and the last person wins. It's called Big Brother because in George Orwell's famous book "1984" the totalitarian government implemented total surveillance--everyone was being watched at all times, even in their houses, and the government's slogan was "Big Brother is watching you." Likewise on the tv show, the contestants are always being watched.

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