Is there anyone apart from brian worth watching after charley gets evicted?!


Is there anyone apart from brian worth watching after charley gets evicted?

it is going to be so boring , twins yawn , chiggy even bigger yawn , gerry if he survives tonight's eviction has got to be the most boring gay guy ever to enter the house ,so are you be prepared to be bored senseless, what can bb do to spice it up ?
bb haters no need for your worthless input!!!! thanx


I don't particulalty like any of the housemates apart from Brian. Charley may not be my kind of girl, but at least she brings something to the house, which is more than I can say for the rest of the rabble ! She's got to stay until the final week and then she can answer to the public. It would be easy to wind Charley up as well, so I think BB should start to pay a few tricks on Charley (that would deffo spice things up).

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