All my children spoilers! for next week.?!


All my children spoilers! for next week.?

monday: zach waits by kendall's side for news of their baby, ryan frantically searches fro greenlee and spike.

Tuesday: kendall condition remains serious, greenlee survives the car accident and searches for spike, who was thrown from the vehicle.

Wednesday: Greenlee manages to call ryan, but is unable to tell him her whereabouts; kendall learns her baby will die if she doesn't deliver as soon as possible.

Thursday: kendall gives birth to a very tiny baby; spike's condition remains serious; krystal tries to hide her concern for adam

Friday:Ryan feels guilty for allowing greenlee into spike's life; jack stop erica from pointing fingers at greenlee; babe tries to stop fusion from going under and enlists ava's help.


Thanks for the spoilers...I will make sure to hit record for next week to see what happens with Kendall, Spike and the baby...I hope her baby survives...Does anyone know what the sex of the baby will be...Girl/Boy?

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