Grounded for Life...was anyone else disturbed by...?!


Grounded for Life...was anyone else disturbed by...?

the fact that Lily's parents allowed her to have sex in the house? I mean, if she were my daughter, she wouldn't be allowed to have a boy in her room with her door closed, or there would be no door.

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13 hours ago
Sure, I had sex before I was married, but I had enough respect for my parents to not do it under their noses. Even when they weren't home.

Doing it at home where they're safe... that's the same logic as letting your kids drink at home so they won't be drinking and driving. Unless you're up there watching to make sure they use a condom...


I liked that show and yeah that was a little crazy. Seeing that THEY WERE TEEN PARENTS, I'd think they'd try to stop their own kids from doing the same thing.

But they're still teens in their minds so they didn't care becasue they see her as a teen just like them. Thats why they're "grounded for life" because they can't be kids anymore- the have to be parents- they have to be adults.

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