Obama or McCain? And Why?!

Question: Obama or McCain!? And Why!?
i want a reason why because people are voting for people for dumb reasons!. one reason is because of obama's color!. we need a change in the economy!. not someone who will just be the first african american president!.

thanks for your answers in advance!.
cast your votes wisely :]


mccain if obama wins the followinng will happen
- people will loose jobs
-lots of money will be lost
-hobbies will be lost
-and better chance of geting hurt
-lack of of meat deer turkey
he wants to ban guns that means no hunting (hobbies and jobs and money for the ammo will be lost and using guns they get us food by hunting you cant catch a deer or turkey you got to shoot it )
see all that cuz of him also robbery most people will go with a knife (no noise) and most people wont use a knife (the victum) because they dont know what they will do and how to defend them selves using it gun diff story but then they wont get hurt obama should only make it harder to get a gun so hunters can still huntWww@Enter-QA@Com

Obama because he is a man with a mind to change this country for the better!. He is about uniting America not dividing!. McCain is about dividing America if you listen to his speeches!. McCain supporters will yell out things like "kill him" "he is a muslim and a terrorist" etc which is wrong!. So what if he was muslim is there a problem with that!? if he was black, chinese, italian or whatever, tell me what is the big difference!? There are Americans who are ignorant to the fact that we can have a President of color who has intellect, articulate, he can change the economy, universal health care, cut taxes for the middle class, recruiting teachers with higher salaries, tuition assistance for children going to college!. McCain has not mentioned any of this! He is ignorant and that is a true fact! Vote wisely!

Obama/ Biden ' 08Www@Enter-QA@Com

McCain because he wants to cut taxes and that would help a lot!. also, Obama wants to raise taxes for everybody making over 250K a year!. Although 95 percent of america makes under that amount of money, in places like NY that is considered middle class!. I think Obama really needs to think about what he is doing and that is only one of the things that he needs to consider before becoming president!. also, I just don't think Obama is ready!. The only actual reason I have for not voting for McCain is that he is really old and has skin cancer!. Being president is a difficult and stressful job!. If something happens to him Sarah Palin will become president and I just don't think that she has enough experience to do it!. But, I really dought that he will die in the next four years so my vote is deffinetly for McCain!. WoohooWww@Enter-QA@Com

Obama because he is actually trying to do something for this country, he doesn't want to tax people who make less than $250,000 a year!. i don't know why so many people who are for McCain say that's stupid, considering most people in this country make less than that!
and when people say things like "oh, well those people who make less than that just sit on their butt all day and don't work hard for their money like the people who make more than $250,000 do!" it makes me really angry, just because you don't make a certain amount of money doesn't mean you don't work hard for it! my parents don't make that much money and my father works 14 hour days!!
McCain doesn't want women to make the same amount of money as men do for the same work!. He wants to keep the troops in the middle east and it was a mistake to put them in there in the first place, Obama wants to take them out which is the smart thing to do!. i'm sick of all these stupid, ignorant people who say that the terrorists are going to come back and blah blah blah!.
and he is the same as bush, i hear people complaining about him all the time so i don't know why they would vote for someone who is the exact same as him!
if Obama does win, i don't think people who are racist should freak out because there have been 43 past presidents who were white, if we have one black president, it's not going to kill them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Obama's presents himself better!. He's more intelligent, educated, great speaker, knows more about the economy, has a better plan to run the country and he's younger!. I like Mccain his running mate isn't convincing, she's seem like your average soccer mom!. Listen to her interviews and you'll see!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

mm, mccain!. Im against abortion, and other reasons i do not feel like typing aha!.
but then again in fifteen years old, so my opinion doesnt really count, now does it !?

also !.!. mccains old, who says that something wont happen to him durring his four or eight years !? Then we have Palin,

So if it were up to me, im torn hah!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

McCAIN '08!

beacuse he is pro-life
and obama likes killing unborn babies!.

and because mccain wants to stay in war, and obama wants to get all the troops out of there!.
who's to say that all those terrorists won't follow us back here!?
yeahh!. i didn't think so!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

McCain!. Too many unanswered questions about Obama!. We don't need to fall for his pretty words and him turn out to be a baby murderer and a friggin muzzie!. PLUS: He is tryin to take away our GUN RIGHTS!!! I don't think sooooo!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Idk why 60!.7 vote because skin color!.!. that's weird!.
i wish obama to win though

Obama 08 =america's true president

Mccain 08 = too old! Www@Enter-QA@Com







Im Not Voting But if I Could It Would Be Mccain, For One Im A Republican And Two, I Believe He Will Be A GREAT President [:Www@Enter-QA@Com


I dont like Obama at all!. I dont want to lose my gun rights either!. I thought I wanted McCain, but now I dont like either one!. I think we're in trouble no matter who wins it!.*Www@Enter-QA@Com

McCain!. Because Obama wants to kill babys and "share my freakin wealth" (Marxist), and well he just scares me!. And no its not because he is black!.


McCain because i am not a socialist leftist who wants to turn this nation into HollandWww@Enter-QA@Com

mac!. obama will trash this country!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

McCain- because he has god in his heart Www@Enter-QA@Com


I think they both suck!.!.!.

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