Do you make a lot of mistakes?!

Question: Do you make a lot of mistakes!?
Yup, only when I'm at work, and only because I hate this good for nothing job, I plan on quitting soon!. So I'm putting out this "I dont care" attitude!. Yet they still keep me around, not sure why!.
I dont make that many mistakes though!. I do everything last minute before I leave!. If I dont do something or dont do it right, whatever, cry me a river!.

My boss is just like Judge Judy!. Same voice, same attitude, nothing ever satisfies her!. She can go suck one ^_^
I can't wait to quit this job!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i did when i as not as wise as i am today!.but i feel that from every mistake that i did make i have learned from the experience and it only molded me to the person that i am today!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i made such a bad one last night:(Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes i make alot of mistakes like answering your question right now!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I'm human-there's your answer,and my OCD exacerbates every situation negatively and makes me think untrue thoughts that are twisted and drive me nutss!!! ARGHHH!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Not really in life!.

But I type really fast so I tend to make mistakes then!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I am Error!. Most of whT i do is a mistake, but im still happyWww@Enter-QA@Com

No!. I check my work first before submitting to my boss!.



no less than a million every day!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

yeppers, but not on important thingsWww@Enter-QA@Com

im only human!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

unless ur from another planet!.!.im human so yeah!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

I Make Enough!. ?Www@Enter-QA@Com

I Try Not To, by Taking My Time!.!.!.!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

Yes-I do!.No one is perfect!Www@Enter-QA@Com




yes, but not often!!!

Nope, I'm perfect!. :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

who doesnt!?

Don't we all!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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