Why do people say that young people can't (or shouldn't) love?!

Question: Why do people say that young people can't (or shouldn't) love!?
Is it because they feel teens don't have enough experience or are too immature to realize what love is!? Isn't it possible for a teen to fall in love!?
On that note, other people say that they can't handle it responsibly!. It's possible for a teen to be responsible about it, though, correct!? Some teens are more responsible than adults, for crying out loud! What's the difference between 16 and 26!?

This is just a side question, but do you believe in love at first sight!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

It all depends on what kind of love you are talking about!.

As far as just general love and caring about someone there is nothing wrong with that kind of love!.

With the kind of love I suspect you are talking about!. I know as a teen it is difficult to understand!. I know I didn’t understand!. But there is still a lot of emotional growing and learning that we need to do before we are ready for a serious relation ship!. And unfortunately a lot of mistakes and heartbreaks that go along with that!.

I know as a teen I wanted to be treated, taken seriously as an adult and have more adult relationships, partly because I was in college a little younger age than most and partly just because I was a normal teen!. But from experience I can honestly tell you don’t be too eager to be an adult, the cold hard realities of growing up will come soon enough!. Yea, I know, I didn’t believe it when people told me that either!.

As for your love at first sight question!. I have to say yes and no sometimes people really do meet and stay together, but that is the exception!. Most of the time it tends to be LUST at first sight and not love!. The lust may last a while and even be confused for love but in time it fades and then the heartbreaks start!.

I am sure you have heard this before, but take things slow and easy with your love life!. Get to be good friends first, get to really know the person, before you give to much of your heart away!.

I know it is easier said than done!. I still have the problem of letting to much of my heart go to others to quickly!. And often end up looking for all the pieces of it for a very long time, before I get the ole heart put back together again!.

May Our Creator watch over you and your family!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I think it's because most people assume that most teens are immature!. But isn't always true!. My whole family tells me that i am more mature then some of the adults they work with!. which consists of people from the age of 25 to 60 something!.

it's all on how the person was raised and how seriously they take things!. I think anyone can love really , but it just might not be as truthful for some!.

good question , you get a star! *Www@Enter-QA@Com

There is a BIG difference between 16 and 26! By the time one reaches the age of 26, that person has been in the real world for eight years - more than enough time to learn about the way things really are!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

they confuse love with lust!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

just stupid Think , young persons loves is really Really better that olders , like angels!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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