It has been my lifelong dream....?!

Question: light Don King's hair on fire and punch him in the kidney while he screams.
Do you have any dreams?

Answers: light Don King's hair on fire and punch him in the kidney while he screams.
Do you have any dreams?

I dream that one of your questions will last 24 hours before Yapoo deletes it!

It is slighty similar to yours but it involves Gordon Brown

i dream of running off into the sunset with you Buk, while the violin music plays, our hair blowing in the wind

Yes, I want to dance nude on Mt. Rushmore.

I do have dreams but not that one thankfully

Destroy Planet Earth, take a quarter of it's female population to be my fanners and observe beautiful Planet Venus.

I've also wanted to get that green hat of yours Buk. I can suffocate Bugs Bunny with it very well.

you know its funny,, i have the same dream...

Your dream sounds good Can I join you

lol good one.To torture Rosie O'Donall with food.

Oh my God! Almost snorted tea out of my nose I laughed so hard.

No, I'm afraid I don't have any dreams that interesting.

steal limbaugh's meds

Buk... LOL...

I know Don King ( He's a client of our firm ) and I can tell you with 100% certainty that yours is a common dream....

My dream? "That my kids grow up to be happy, well adjusted & productive members of society"

same thing but to Ann Coulter - that weird blond skank

if you do that to Don king, he may start sound like James Brown.... ooooh it's HOT... and God knows what else James Brown spewed.

My dream is to make $60,000 a year working at an ice cream shop, surrounded by creamy goodness all day long.

heck, I'd be happy to be able to find a dental hygienist job somewhere. THAT would make me happy

to jump into a pool full of sharks

I'd like to tie Nancy Grace to a park bench and invite bums to strip in front of her and whiz till she screams.

to find slacks so tight, the front will look like 3 field mice wrestling a tall boy beer can. oly out.

To bite Tom Cruises nose off and give it to Michael Jackson

I dream a dream where in the dream I can dream what I want. Then the dream in the dream ends and I wake from my dream wondering if I can dream any dream I want.

I'm deeply unambitious, so do you mind if i just watch you fulfill yours?
I could help hold the fat bastard in place..x

My lifelong dream?...To be a high dollar hooker. No more of this free sh!t !!?

Mine is kinda the same, but Hillary Clinton would be my target.

we share the same dream meinen freun

hahahaha! which kidney tho? or does he only have one?

I dream to wake up as Brad Pitt and have Angelina Jolie sleeping by my side.

You sure it isn't to be a comedian? Because that was fn funny! Yea, I would love to own my own bakery. I was born for it!

I had the same goal for Michael Jackson but he beat me to it

That's a good dream,but I like my dream about forcing Paris Hilton to live as a homeless person in Siberia.

Sleep with Jennifer ? Anniston. Right now she doesn't return my phone calls or emails.........something called a "re-training order" was in my mailbox.

yep that exercise guy, who stared on the Buk show, that was good dream stuff for me.. lift those knees. that' s the way. what a prick...someone Simmons... his curly hair used to bug me...he is the most insipid man I have ever met. He looks like Leo Sayers brother in a way. you know the one, move that body .. that;s the way.. what a ****...if I could have got off the couch , I so would ninja kick him in the balls

What! So you thought you would practice on me?
Thanks for not punching me in the kidney I suppose.

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