Would you eat something i cooked?!

Question: Sure, why not?!

And then I'll cook for you! Or you could let me do your hair?!
I need to thank you somehow

Answers: Sure, why not?!

And then I'll cook for you! Or you could let me do your hair?!
I need to thank you somehow

Yeah WHy not??:-)))

Well.... is what you cook etible?

If I saw how you prepared it and cooked it I probably would.

i'd eat it the first time, but maybe not have seconds of it if it's really bad.

Last time i did that i died.



not unless I knew you...sorry

as long as it tastes good sure why not

No. I don't know if you have a dirty kitchen and I don't know if you are the type of person to put "special" ingredients in your food. No offense.

but its nothing personal.
im just not hungry! =]

never ever

sure why not i can trust you rite

Sure, as long as it doesn't contain cheese. (:

Sure if you were hygenic about cooking it.

Depends what is it?

if i saw you cook it

Depends on what you cooked and if you are a good cook....

sure.. why not????
why should i not taste it...
as long as it tastes good....

i sure would want to taste it!!!

Depends on what you are cooking, and if I watched you cook it.

Sure whatcha makin'?

I'll be over haha!

LOL, does it contain brown logs or golden liquid?

hell yeah i am stuffed i mean hungrey =)

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