Can people really fly like an Eagle?!

Question: Only in their hearts and minds........

Answers: Only in their hearts and minds........

if they made sumthing to do it with

yes and be so graceful

No, but they can drop like flies.

Yeah, they have to get a LOT of plastic surgery though...

Yes,Just have to have a good imagination and of course you can fly...anything you wish

no, but they can drown like a squirrel

I flew like an Eagle the day I got married...and after my lung cancer surgery when the surgeon told me I was finally cancer free :)

sure, a few seconds then they fall

literally, no

Yes, it's called acting and when you've got the audience with you and are really connecting...

In a plane, yes.

yes in an airplane or when you are training to be an astronaut they have this big fan on the bottom of the ground that keeps you air born.

Yes, they do it every day. Parasailing, Hang Gilding, Parachuting.

1)This is an Ancient Greek Myth of Icarus.

2) Iron Maiden have a magic song ''fly on your way like an eagle'' !

3) Fighter pilots can fly Jets up on 9 Mach!!!

4) There is a place in L.A. called Eagle Rock


Not that I know of :)

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