How many times have you been gotten a speeding ticket?!

Question: Not that I've gotten one....Oh nooooo, not meeee....LOL

Answers: Not that I've gotten one....Oh nooooo, not meeee....LOL

I used to average about 1/year. I did get out of 1 though.
I was doing 70 in a 50, cops got me. They asked me why I was speeding and I said, "That's what my Cruise Control was set on." Made the cops laugh.

Never, honestly.

Never, & that's after 47 years of driving!!

1 for going over speed limit which was only 100 on a 60 zone.

1 for DUI

license suspended until freaking september.



i don't remember, coz i am old, not coz there are so many.

I've never gotten one.


Once But I fought it in court and won

just once and its off my record now =) i was in a 40mph zone and i managed to slow down from 75 to 62 by the time he got me

never in 11 years. i almost broke the streak when a patrol car pulled me over for driving with one headlight and going 20 miles over speed limit. he was nice about it though, and let me go as long as i fixed the bulb. and that 55 mph highway limit has to go, it makes no sense at all.

no, been pulled over twice, but never got a ticket

I've never gotten a speeding ticket. I have been pulled over 4 times in my life. The first time was when I was 19 and I had a tail light out. The next time I was pulled over for going to slow. I was in the fast lane and my daughter had gum in her hair so I was turned around trying to get it out before it got to mixed in. He pulled me over and said I was going to slow. It took me awhile to live that down. I was pulled over once for not wearing a seat belt and was given a ticket (my first one ever- and my only one!) This last time I was pulled over I had ran a yellow light. He said I had plenty of time to stop, which I still disagree with him but he gave me a warning ticket so I was happy! Thanks for the ???

....too many times, years past. i've changed my evil ways....none for years.....

I have gotten quite a few.
But what really ticks me off was I got 3 within 2 weeks for no seat belt. I have an attorney who gets them dismissed.
So I don't sweat it much.

3 times.

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