Have you ever put a "non-food" item in the microwave?!

Question: what was it?

Answers: what was it?

Yeah once I put my Sisters cat in(I did not turn it on)
But then my Mom said to clean the microwave out but I never did.

Never, how ghastly

yes...my kitchen sponge...to sanitize it

My son nuked a roach he found at the neighbors house...it lived

Well, according to my sisters, when I was little I put a plastic cup full of water in the microwave for a few hours.

I put foil in the microwave once.

Once I put a dishwashing packet into the microwave just to see what would happen...heh heh..

Woo-whee, that was a mess!

I put a Peep in the microwave once. I don't think that really counts as food.

Yes, I've put a heating pad in there that was full of buckwheat. It kept me warm for over an hour - yummy warm!

a heating pad

when I needed a hot wash cloth to put on say a boil or sore muscle I would heat it for a few seconds in the microwave....
it is a lot better then running the water for a few minutes till it gets hot enough to use..... you just have to be careful that you don't make it to hot before you use it.... I usually do 10 seconds at a time till it is hot.....

i put a cd.
it does a neat crackle effect.

My j. It smelt horrible for days and the it caught fire. I was trying to dry it out and well it did

It Was Soap.

yes a spoon and my mom ran and pulled it out lol

a shoe......don't even ask

about two years ago my younger brother was borrowing our sisters cellphone and jumped into my friends pool without realizing the cellphone was in his pocket. since it was her brand new phone, he didn't want to upset our sister by telling her it was broke and all wet. stupidly, he thought if he put it in the microwave it'd dry off and work again. obviously, that didn't work out to well... lol

bean bag for headaches

i would like to put a former employer but too big


a t. shirt

I was a little girl then and I didn't know better and I was so cold!

yes a non microwave plate, it cracked

yes a cd for 2 seconds... the light show is amazing and theres not a big boom

Yes. A plate with metallic edges I quickly turned the microwave off when there was lightening in the microwave.

pine sol, it makes the whole house smell good too.

when i was a kid i put foil paper in microwave

Rice Sock -For headaches
Baby Oil
Hot oil 6

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