Ask answer and?!

Question: discover. I have never clicked on that do you?

Answers: discover. I have never clicked on that do you?

No, click on 'discover' and you will be transported to a virtual world you will never return from!

Nope, I can't say I have.

oh, I understand the question now. lol.
No, I've never clicked on the discover one.


nah...thats why im not here...




I'm afraid to. There has to be a dark side to Answers and I think it lies just a mouse click away.

no, i only read the one they put up before i log in


Odd times I have

Yes, I have only the once. Its just resolved questions!

i don't understand

http://elektracity.miniville. fr/

No, cause usually when I type a question in the ask box.. a question that is similar to that pops up and I get my answer

No ....... if I'm honest I'm scared of discovery .......

Yes, I click on the ask one.

No, don't see the point

No. I didn't even see it. Have you clicked on it? If so, what was it? I pretty much limit myself to answers only, I guess that makes me a bit of a prude but I like it. Thanks for asking!!!

If you do that it formats your hard drive

Once in a while I will vote on unresolved questions. Just when I am bored with asking or answering.

Never. When I need to discover something I search on the net and Yahoo Answers. But I never really clicked the "discover" button...;...

OH!!!!!!!! i just discovered that there s a discover tab ......... i think i'll check it and get back to you (i dont know by what way)

i cliekd on discover it just gives you best answers of questions

I did once........aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
......................................... never been the same since

no way who knows what lies behind .!.
looks scary to me

discover sucks who woould wanan see old resolved qestions...

no i haven't not yet..

Yes, many times.

I have enough discovering to do ,one is trying to fathom out your brain cells or lack of ,come on Dee stand on that thick head of yours and let the blood get to it ,might add some colour to your pale face and dried lips ! ! x x


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